May the sunI thought that I would post this kind blessing to everyone who visits this blog.
~bring you new energy by day.
May the moon
~restore you by night.
May the rain
~wash away your worries.
May the breeze
~blow new strength into your being.
May you walk
~gently through the world and know its beauty all the days of your life.
It seems that the summer months were full of e-mails and calls from parents who are just trying to balance everything on their plate and needed someone to say: "Everything is going to be okay."
And, if you didn't hear that yet...
Everything is going to be okay.As parents, our lives can be so busy. We think about what our children are eating. What they're wearing. What they're learning. How they are integrating with their environment, their teachers and their peers.
Are they loving and kind? Are they happy? Are they healthy? Are they clean? Are they safe?
We are on constant watch.
But that mindset can sometimes take us out of just being in the moment with our children. With ourselves.
So, if your intuition brought you to this page today, take a moment. Take a deep breath. Think of your children in their highest, happiest, most positive state--hugging you, laughing with you, playing with you.
Savor that.
May your children
~remind you of the beauty and loveliness of your own being.
Please note: The above picture of the Zinnia was taken from this site.
Did you know?
As a flower essence, Zinnia enhances one’s ability to rediscover the child-like qualities of playfulness, joy, delight, unconditional love, and a spirit of lighthearted innocence and adventure.