In every TweedleWink classroom, there is a sign that says "Relationships Before Results."
That's because we believe that when you really nurture a child's heart, the bond that results draws them closer to you and excites them to absorb anything you would like to teach.
As a family of six, that is our motto at home as well.
Some of you may know that we homeschool our children. Juggling the roles of parents and teachers to each child has always been challenging, but we wouldn't trade it for the world. For me, watching a child read his first word is just as thrilling as watching him walk for the first time. These milestones are precious. I can't imagine a teacher experiencing the learning milestones while I'm away at work. I want to be there.
Yet the roles of parent and teacher do conflict at times.
"Did you brush your teeth?"That's my day. The same person that reminds them to clean their rooms and put away the dishes is the same person asking about schoolwork each day.
Yes, Mom.
"Did you finish page 25 in your Math workbook today?"
Yes, Mom.
"Did you make your bed?"
Yes, Mom.
If you are homeschooling, you're familiar with this journey. May God bless us and keep us ever patient, kind and strong.
A Happy Birthday
Last week was my birthday. On that day, my 12-year-old son had a creative writing assignment due. He finished it the day before and stayed up until midnight so that he could e-mail it to me on my birthday. When I read it, I cried. I'm so grateful to be a homeschooling mom.
Here's his entry...
If I Could Build a HomeMay you feel this type of love from your children and students.
If I could build a home I would actually build a dome for my mother. It would feature painted sky blue on the outside with cloud designs all over. Inside it would have a Zen garden with a mini waterfall. You could meditate peacefully in it. In the bedroom I would have bright colors on the walls. The walls would be made out of panels so at a specific time the panels would flip and have a gray color, then in the morning would go back to their original colors. The kitchen would be the modern example of efficiency.At first glance it would be a regular kitchen with an island. But if you look closer you would see that there were no shelves nor a fridge. The island would have a stove and a couple buttons. Those buttons can open the cupboards, reveal shelves in the wall, reveal the fridge, and make coffee or tea. The living room would be a lush, chocolate, brown color. The couches would be so soft you would feel like you were floating on air. The movie shelves would be stocked full of Jane Austen and other movies she likes. There would be a store room dedicated to tea. The tea storage would have over a hundred different kinds of teas. In a small cupboard there would be a whole bunch of tea cups and mugs. There would be an office with steel walls and a bucket of magnets for my mom to pin up papers. The shelves would be color-coded so my mom can find things easily. The desk would be a circle with the middle and a section cut out of it. There would be a swivel chair in the middle so that she can have a 360 degree view. The desk would have a computer with many screens so that she has a better work space on her computer. The rest of her desk would have organizers for her papers. I would create a prayer room for my mom. Then I would put a spa room underground with candles scattered around the room. Either my mom would have a spa in it or she would help other people. The last room would be a essential oil room. It would have all the oils in alphabetical order. There would be oil burners that spread the oil to all parts of the room. This is the house that I would build for my mom.
It's my birthday wish to you.
As I write, I close my eyes and send it to you.
Feel loved today, my friend.